Wrapped Association List utilities

Utilities for using wrapped alists: objects that wrap an alist to provide an API similar to that of mutable hash-tables.

The alist (association list) API offers a pure functional way to implement tables of key-value pairs. It is efficient for small tables, or ones seldom used or only in a sequential way, though its performance will degrade linearly with the size of the table.

Now, the alist module offers a mutable variant of its API, but it breaks down in the case of an empty alist, represented as the empty list '(), that cannot be mutated into containing more key-value pairs.

Instead, a walist wraps an alist in an object, that can easily an empty (a)list as well as a non-empty one. A walist also remembers which of the equality predicates eq?, eqv? or equal? (the default) used to identify and distinguish keys, unlike alists that rely on the user using the correct predicate.

To use the bindings from this module:

(import :std/misc/walist)

walist walistq walistv walist! walistq! walistv!

(walist alist) -> walist
(walistq alistq) -> walistq
(walistv alistv) -> walistv
(walist! alist!) -> walist!
(walistq! alistq!) -> walistq!
(walistv! alistv!) -> walistv!

Six structs are defined:

  • walist for to contain pure alists using equal? as predicate.
  • walistq for to contain pure alists using eq? as predicate.
  • walistv for to contain pure alists using eqv? as predicate.
  • walist! for to contain mutable alists using equal? as predicate.
  • walistq! for to contain mutable alists using eq? as predicate.
  • walistv! for to contain mutable alists using eqv? as predicate.

Each has a single field alist, containing an alist using said predicate.

Each struct type has a same-named unary constructor that can also be used in a match pattern to access the alist field.

Note that you should not initialize a mutable instance with a non-empty quoted list because it is an error to mutate such a list. Thus (walist! '((a . 1))) is incorrect but (walist! [['a . 1]]) is correct.


> (def w (walist '((a . 1) (b . 2))))
> (match w ((walist l) (assoc 'b l))
> (def w (walistq! [['a . 1] ['b . 2]]))
> (match w ((walist l) (assoc 'b l))

Class hierarchy

NB: In this module, walistq and walistv inherit from walist, and walist!, walistq! and walistv! respectively inherit from walist, walistq and walistv. This makes for a simpler API without a large hierarchy of abstract classes for each kind of alist pure or mutable with one predicate or the other. But this practical simplicity can introduce quirks in the "logical theory" of walist: for instance, a (walist a) pattern in a match statement will match an instance of any of the walist types, and so will the walist? predicate below accept any of them.

make-walist make-walistq make-walistv make-walist! make-walistq! make-walistv!

(make-walist alist) -> walist
(make-walistq alistq) -> walistq
(make-walistv alistv) -> walistv
(make-walist! alist!) -> walist!
(make-walistq! alistq!) -> walistq!
(make-walistv! alistv!) -> walistv!

These functions are thin wrappers around constructors of the respective types. (Constructors themselves are macros and not first-class functions.)

Note that neither the constructors nor the wrapper functions do any validation of the alist argument to be wrapped. Various errors may happen later when trying to process a walist that wraps the wrong kind of value instead of an alist.

walist? walistq? walistv? walist!? walistq!? walistv!?

(walist? x) -> bool
(walistq? x) -> bool
(walistv? x) -> bool
(walist!? x) -> bool
(walistq!? x) -> bool
(walistv!? x) -> bool

These predicates each recognize whether their argument is an instance of the given struct type.

Note that due to our choice of simplified inheritance hierarchy, walist? will also recognize instances of all five other struct types, walistq? will also recognize instances of walistq! and walistv? will also recognize instances of walistv!.


> (def w (walist '((a . 1) (b . 2))))
> (walist? w)
> (walistq!? w)
> (walist? "hello world")
> (walist? '((a . 1) (b . 2)))
> (import :std/generic)
> (type-of w)

> (def wq! (walistq! [['a . 1] ['b . 2]]))
> (walistq!? wq!)
> (walist? wq!)
> (walistq? wq!)
> (eq? (type-of wq!) (type-of w))
> (eq? (type-of wq!) 'std/misc/walist#walistq!::t)
> (eq? (type-of wq!) 'std/misc/walist#walist::t)

walist-alist walist->alist

(walist-alist w) -> alist
(walist->alist w) -> alist

The function walist-alist (or its alias walist->alist) takes a walist (or an instance of any of its variant types) and returns the alist content being wrapped.


> (walist-alist (walist '((a . 1) (b . 2))))
((a . 1) (b . 2))
> (walist->alist (walistv! [['c . 3] ['d . 4]]))
((c . 3) (d . 4))


(walist-alist-set! w a) ->
(set! (walist->alist w) a) ->

This function modifies the alist wrapped by an instance of any of the walist variant types. It also enables the associated short-hand set! syntax. The return value is not specified.

Note that walist, walistv and walistq have an otherwise pure API, and that using this setter breaks this purity by introducing a side-effect; be careful to avoid using this setter function in a context where users expect the values they use to not be side-effected. On the other hand, no such assumption exists for walist!, walistv! and walistq! and you may freely use this setter with instances of those types.


> (def w (walistv '()))
> (walist-alist w)
> (walist-alist-set! w '((a . 1) (b . 2)))
> (walist-alist w)
((a . 1) (b . 2))
> (set! (walist-alist w) '((c . 3) (d . 4)))
> (walist-alist w)
((c . 3) (d . 4))

walist-acons walistq-acons walistv-acons

(walist-acons walist k v) -> walist
(walistq-acons walistq k v) -> walistq
(walistv-acons walistv k v) -> walistv
{acons w k v} -> walist

The functions walist-acons, walistq-acons and walistv-acons respectively take a walist of the corresponding type and return a new instance of that pure type wrapping a new alist where that extends the old instance's old alist with the key-value pair [k . v].

The generic function {acons} will work on any of the three pure walist variants and return a new walist of the same type.

Note that these functions might "work" without error on the mutable variants, but then bad consequences will happen later if the contents are mutated while some consumer expects the instance of the pure type expect their contents to remain constant.


> (def w (walistv '()))
> w
#<walistv #375 alist: ()>
> (def w2 (walistv-acons w 'a 1))
> w2
#<walistv #376 alist: ((a . 1))>
> (walist-alist w
> (walist-alist w)
((a . 1))


(walist-acons! walist! k v) ->
{acons! walist! k v} ->

walist-acons! takes an instance of walist!, walistv! or walistq! and modifies the instance's alist to add the [k . v] key-value pair in front. The return value is unspecified.

The generic function {acons!} will also work on any of these three mutable walist variants but not the immutable ones, to achieve the same effect.

Note that the walist-acons! function (not the generic method {acons!}) might fail to raise an error if called on a pure variant, but bad consequences may follow later for violating a consumer's assumption of purity.


> (def w (walistq! '()))
> (walist-acons! w 'a 1)
> {acons! w 'b 2}
> (walist-alist w)
((b . 2) (a . 1))

walist-key? walistq-key? walistv-key?

(walist-key? walist key) -> bool
(walistq-key? walistq key) -> bool
(walistv-key? walistv key) -> bool
{key? walist* key} -> bool

walist-key? takes an instance of walist or walist! and a key and returns true if the key is present in a key-value pair in the walist's alist.

walistq-key? takes an instance of walistq or walistq! and a key and returns true if the key is present in a key-value pair in the walistq's alist.

walistv-key? takes an instance of walistv or walistv! and a key and returns true if the key is present in a key-value pair in the walistv's alist.

walist-key? will not raise an error if called on an instance of the wrong type (the other variants will), but may produce wrong answer because it will use the wrong predicate. On the other hand, the generic function {key?} will always work correctly using the correct predicate on any variant of walist.


> (def w (walistq! [['a . 1] ['b . 2]]))
> (walistq-key? w 'b)
> (walistq-key? w 'c)
> {key? w 'a}

walist-get walistq-get walistv-get

(walist-get walist key) -> value
(walistq-get walistq key) -> value
(walistv-get walistv key) -> value
{get walist* key} -> value

walist-get takes an instance of walist or walist! and a key and returns the value associated to that key in the walist's alist, or raises an error if the there is no matching key-value pair in the alist.

walistq-get takes an instance of walistq or walistq! and a key and returns the value associated to that key in the walistq's alist, or raises an error if the there is no matching key-value pair in the alist.

walistv-get takes an instance of walistv or walistv! and a key and returns the value associated to that key in the walistv's alist, or raises an error if the there is no matching key-value pair in the alist.

walist-get will not raise an error if called on an instance of the wrong type (the other variants will), but may produce wrong answer because it will use the wrong predicate. On the other hand, the generic function {get} will always work correctly using the correct predicate on any variant of walist.


> (def w (walistq! [['a . 1] ['b . 2]]))
> (walistq-get w 'b)
> (walistq-get w 'c)
> {get w 'a}

walist-assoc walistq-assoc walistv-assoc

(walist-assoc walist key) -> key-value-pair-or-false
(walistq-assoc walistq key) -> key-value-pair-or-false
(walistv-assoc walistv key) -> key-value-pair-or-false
{assoc walist* key} -> key-value-pair-or-false

walist-assoc takes an instance of walist or walist! and a key and returns the first key-pair associated to that key in the walist's alist, or #f if there is no matching key-value pair in the alist.

walistq-assoc takes an instance of walistq or walistq! and a key and returns the first key-pair associated to that key in the walistq's alist, or #f if there is no matching key-value pair in the alist.

walistv-assoc takes an instance of walistv or walistv! and a key and returns the first key-pair associated to that key in the walistv's alist, or #f if there is no matching key-value pair in the alist.

walist-assoc will not raise an error if called on an instance of the wrong type (the other variants will), but may produce wrong answer because it will use the wrong predicate. On the other hand, the generic function {assoc} will always work correctly using the correct predicate on any variant of walist.


> (def w (walistv! [['a . 1] ['b . 2]]))
> (walistv-assoc w 'b)
(b . 2)
> (walistv-assoc w 'c)
> {assoc w 'a}
(a . 1)

walist-put walistv-put walistq-put

(walist-put walist key value) -> walist
(walistq-put walistq key value) -> walistq
(walistv-put walistv key value) -> walistv
{put walist* key value} -> walist*

walist-put takes an instance of walist, a key and a value and returns a new instance of walist wrapping a new alist where the key-value pair [key . value] replaces the first key-value pair containing key if any, or else is placed in front of the alist.

walistq-put and walistv-put work similarly for the types walistq and walistv.

These functions will not raise an error if called on an instance of the mutable variant, and walist-put will not raise an error if called on a variant using a different equality predicate either. But the result will violate assumptions that other consumers of the data structure may rely upon. On the other hand, the generic function {put} will always work correctly using the correct predicate, though it may still fail to raise on error when used on a mutable variant.


> (def w (walist '((a . 1) (b . 2))))
> w
#<walist #378 alist: ((a . 1) (b . 2))>
> (walist-put w 'b 3)
#<walist #379 alist: ((a . 1) (b . 3))>
> {put w 'c 4}
#<walist #380 alist: ((c . 4) (a . 1) (b . 2))>

walist!-put! walistv!-put! walistq!-put!

(walist!-put! walist! key value) ->
(walistq!-put! walistq! key value) ->
(walistv!-put! walistv! key value) ->
{put! walist* key value} ->

walist!-put! takes an instance of walist!, a key and a value and modifies the instance in place and/or the alist it wraps so the key-value pair [key . value] will replace the first key-value pair containing key if any, or else be placed in front of the alist.

walistq!-put! and walistv!-put! work similarly for the types walistq! and walistv!.

These functions will raise an error if called on an instance of the wrong type. The generic function {put} will always work correctly on any mutable variant of walist!.


> (def w (walistv! [['a . 1] ['b . 2]]))
> (walist!-put! w 'b 3)
> {put! w 'c 4}
> (walist-alist w)
((c . 4) (a . 1) (b . 3))

walist-remove walistv-remove walistq-remove

(walist-remove walist key) -> walist
(walistq-remove walistq key) -> walistq
(walistv-remove walistv key) -> walistv
{remove walist* key} -> walist*

walist-remove takes an instance of walist and a key and returns a new instance of walist wrapping a new alist where the first key-value pair associated to key, if any, has been removed.

walistq-remove and walistv-remove work similarly for the types walistq and walistv.

These functions will not raise an error if called on an instance of the mutable variant, and walist-remove will not raise an error if called on a variant using a different equality predicate either. But the result will violate assumptions that other consumers of the data structure may rely upon. On the other hand, the generic function {remove} will always work correctly using the correct predicate, though it may still fail to raise on error when used on a mutable variant.


> (def w (walist '((a . 1) (b . 2))))
> w
#<walist #400 alist: ((a . 1) (b . 2))>
> (walist-remove w 'b 3)
#<walist #401 alist: ((a . 1))>
> {remove w 'a}
#<walist #402 alist: ()>

walist!-remove! walistv!-remove! walistq!-remove!)

(walist!-remove! walist! key value) ->
(walistq!-remove! walistq! key value) ->
(walistv!-remove! walistv! key value) ->
{remove! walist* key value} ->

walist!-remove! takes an instance of walist! and a key and modifies the instance and/or its alist in place to remove the first key-value pair associated to key, if any. The return value is unspecified.

walistq!-remove! and walistv!-remove! work similarly for the types walistq! and walistv!.

These functions will raise an error if called on an instance of the wrong type. The generic function {remove!} will always work correctly on any mutable variant of walist!.


> (def w (walistq! [['a . 1] ['b . 2]]))
> (walistq!-remove! w 'a)
> (walist-alist w)
((b . 2))
> {remove! w 'b}
> (walist-alist w)